Environment Policy
SAAGA, aware of its responsibilities in managing the impact of its activities on the environment, is committed to a proactive approach to these issues that contributes to Sustainable Development.
SAAGA is committed to operating not only in full compliance with all relevant environmental regulations, but also to promote the application of best environmental management practices in order to continuously improve its environmental performance.
Quality Policy
SAAGA, in accordance with the Company's Strategic Vision and Mission, considers Quality of services and human resources as a key factor for success and aims to articulate it with Productivity and Profitability factors.
So that Quality makes sense in the production of results that adequately remunerate the invested capital, the company expresses its strategy/policy of Quality based on the following aspects:
Security policy
Aware of its safety responsibilities in its activities, SAAGA is committed to a proactive approach to prevent injuries and health affections, and to promote continuous improvement in the areas of Safety, Hygiene and Health.
SEVESO Directive
Directive No 2012/18 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 (SEVESO III Directive) was transposed into national law by Decree-Law no. 150/2015 of 5 August.
In compliance with the Operator's obligation to keep the information in Annex VI (Article 30) permanently available to the public, in particular by electronic means, SAAGA provides the following information: